Details on astrometric calibration#
%autoawait off
%matplotlib inline
The header of raw FITS files does not usually contain a valid WCS. The
astrometric calibration is implemented automatically during the
step, and can be done separately through
from iop4lib.db import ReducedFit
redf = ReducedFit.by_fileloc("OSN-T090/2022-09-18/")
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: building file
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: applying masters
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - WARNING - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: no masterdark found, assuming dark current = 0, is this a CCD camera and it's cold?
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: performing astrometric calibration
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: 27 different combinations of parameters to try.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: attempt 1 / 27, ({'keep_n_seg': 150, 'border_margin_px': 5, 'output_logodds_threshold': 14, 'n_rms_seg': 6.0, 'bkg_filter_size': 11, 'bkg_box_size': 16, 'seg_fwhm': 1.0, 'seg_kernel_size': None, 'npixels': 32, 'allsky': False, 'position_hint': PositionHint(ra_deg=330.7291666666667, dec_deg=42.26611111111111, radius_deg=0.32999999999999996)}) ...
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: len(pos_seg)=187
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: Keeping only 150 brightest segments.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: Removing segments within 5 px from border.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: trying to solve astrometry with Seg Pos (n=147) (output_logodds_threshold=14).
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3549 - [] - INFO - loaded 240 index files
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3549 - [] - INFO - solve 1: start
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3549 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 5), index="5200/index-5200-14.fits" (1 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3549 - [] - INFO - solve 1: logodds=380.917, matches=141, conflicts=0, distractors=2, ra=330.695, dec=42.2697, scale=0.773671, index="5200/index-5200-14.fits"
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: Seg Pos (n=147) worked.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: bm.index_path=PosixPath('/mnt/astrometry_cache/5200/index-5200-14.fits')
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: bm.center_ra_deg=330.6954314398751
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: bm.center_dec_deg=42.26972920042598
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: bm.scale_arcsec_per_pixel=0.7736712092056637
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: bm.logodds=380.9167785644531
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: WCS built with attempt 1 / 27 ({'keep_n_seg': 150, 'border_margin_px': 5, 'output_logodds_threshold': 14, 'n_rms_seg': 6.0, 'bkg_filter_size': 11, 'bkg_box_size': 16, 'seg_fwhm': 1.0, 'seg_kernel_size': None, 'npixels': 32, 'allsky': False, 'position_hint': PositionHint(ra_deg=330.7291666666667, dec_deg=42.26611111111111, radius_deg=0.32999999999999996)}).
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: building summary images.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: plotting astrometry summary image of background substraction results
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: plotting astrometry summary image of segmentation results
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: plotting astrometry summary image of astrometry results
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: found 5 catalog sources in field: [AstroSource.objects.get(name='2200+420'), AstroSource.objects.get(name='BL Lacertae C'), AstroSource.objects.get(name='BL Lacertae H'), AstroSource.objects.get(name='BL Lacertae test 2'), AstroSource.objects.get(name='BL Lacertae test 4')]
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: saving WCSs to FITS header.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: astrometric calibration was successful.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: searching for sources in field...
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 136 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: found 5 sources in field.
For simple photometry images such as those from the Andor cameras, tries to
detect sources in the image with different sets of parameters and
feeds them to a local solver. It tries with several sets until
it successfully calibrates the image. When done through build_file()
, if
calibration is not achieved, it will give the ERROR_ASTROMETRY flag,
otherwise it will give it the BUILT_REDUCED flag.
- telescope: OSN-T090
- night: 2022-09-18
- filename:
- instrument: AndorT90
- imgtype: LIGHT
- size: 1024x1024
- obsmode: PHOTOMETRY
- band: R
- exptime: 60.0
In the reduction log
2024-02-21 11:51 - pid 75152 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 212 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: plotting astrometry summary image of background substraction results
2024-02-21 11:51 - pid 75152 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 212 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: plotting astrometry summary image of segmentation results
2024-02-21 11:51 - pid 75152 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 212 | OSN-T090/2022-09-18/>: plotting astrometry summary image of astrometry results
you can see that several summary images were created. They are displayed in the admin page for the reduced fit
For images with ordinary and extraordinary pairs such as those from CAFOS and
DIPOL, the reduction procedure first finds the sources and then divides them
in ordinaty and extraordinary lists. This is done through the utilities at
To find the pairs, the algorithm builds a distribution of the distance between all sources in the image, and selectes the most frequent distance with some resolution. This process is not free from error. It can be improved by providing some bounds for this expected distance. For example, in a CAFOS image such as
from iop4lib.db import RawFit
rf = RawFit.by_fileloc("CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits")
We first create the reduced image and apply the calibration frames
redf = ReducedFit.create(rawfit=rf)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - DB entry of ReducedFit for CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits already exists, it will be used instead.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - WARNING - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: masterbias in this epoch could not be found, attemptying adjacent epochs.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - WARNING - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: masterflat in this epoch could not be found, attemptying adjacent epochs.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: applying masters
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - WARNING - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: no masterdark found, assuming dark current = 0, is this a CCD camera and it's cold?
The .has_pairs
property tells whether an image is expected to have pairs:
Since we will be doing “blind” astrometric calibration with the local solver, we will need (or at least greatly benefit) from hints for the size of the pixel and for pointing of the camera. These can be obtained with
size_hint = redf.get_astrometry_size_hint()
SizeHint(lower_arcsec_per_pixel=0.5035, upper_arcsec_per_pixel=0.5565000000000001)
This code to build this size hint is implemented in the corresponding instrument class.
We will also benefit from a hint for the position of the object in the image.
The position is hint is built by the corresponding instrument class by looking
at the RA and DEC (or equivalent) keywords in the FITS header.
If the FITS header contains the RA and DEC (or equivalent) keywords, the
property will return an SkyCoord object with the position
<SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
(330.9182, 42.38482)>
This position should be close to the observed object. The header_hintobject property returns the AstroSource in the catalog that matches the name in the OBJECT (or equivalent) keyword:
- other_names: BL Lacertae
- ra=330.6804 deg, dec=42.2777 deg
- srctype: blazar
- comment:
- MAPCAT catalog. OPERACAT table
It can be be seen that the separation is indeed small.
When header_hintcoord is available, get_astrometry_position_hint() will return a hint for the object built from it. Otherwise, it will look at the header_hintobject. If none are available, it will raise an exception.
position_hint = redf.get_astrometry_position_hint()
PositionHint(ra_deg=330.9182, dec_deg=42.38482, radius_deg=0.4)
All these hints will be used to accelerate the blind calibration.
Now, let’s detect the stars visible in the image. The whole process will depend on the parameters we select, and we might need to try with several combinations.
bkg_filter_size = 11 # a higher number will produce a more smooth bkg
bkg_box_size = 16 # a higher number will produce a more detailed bkg
# these bkg parameters should be set so the computed bkg does not include light from the point sources, but is detailed enough to show real variations along the image.
seg_kernel_size = None # none will automatically build a kernel of size 2n+1, which should be almost always a good approximation
npixels = 32 # related to the size of the sources in the image
seg_fwhm = 1.0 # the image will be convolved with a gaussian kernel of this width before src detection
n_rms_seg = 1.0 # the threshold of signal over background to count as a detection
# these detection parameters should return most of the real points in the image without too much fake sources
keep_n_seg = 200 # the maximum number of detected sources to use in the calibration
border_margin_px = 20 # remove any pixels less than this distance from the borders
We can use the utility functions in
to get an bkg-estimation, which utilize the
package (you could do the same, or try different methods following
its docs.
Background substraction#
from iop4lib.utils.sourcedetection import get_bkg, get_segmentation, get_cat_sources_from_segment_map
bkg = get_bkg(redf.mdata, filter_size=bkg_filter_size, box_size=bkg_box_size)
imgdata_bkg_substracted = redf.mdata - bkg.background
from iop4lib.utils.plotting import plot_preview_background_substraction_1row
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mplt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
plot_preview_background_substraction_1row(redf, bkg, fig=fig)

Image Segmentation#
seg_threshold = n_rms_seg * bkg.background_rms
segment_map, convolved_data = get_segmentation(imgdata_bkg_substracted, fwhm=seg_fwhm, kernel_size=seg_kernel_size, npixels=npixels, threshold=seg_threshold)
seg_cat, pos_seg, tb = get_cat_sources_from_segment_map(segment_map, imgdata_bkg_substracted, convolved_data)
from astropy.visualization import SqrtStretch, LogStretch, AsymmetricPercentileInterval
from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(imgdata_bkg_substracted, cmap='gray', norm=ImageNormalize(imgdata_bkg_substracted.compressed(), stretch=LogStretch(a=10), interval=AsymmetricPercentileInterval(30, 99)))
seg_cat.plot_kron_apertures(color='r', lw=1.5)

Source pairing#
Now we need to distinguish between ordinary and extraordinary sources. To facilitate
this, you can use the get_pairs_dxy
function, which will try to separate
them by looking at the most common distance between sources.
First we find the most common distance between sources (both in x and y)
from iop4lib.utils.sourcepairing import get_pairs_dxy, get_best_pairs
bins = 60
hist_range = (0, 60)
dx_min = dy_min = 0
dx_max = dy_max = 60
dx_eps = dy_eps = 1.0
seg1xy, seg2xy, seg_disp_xy, seg_disp_sign_xy = get_pairs_dxy(pos_seg, bins=bins, hist_range=hist_range, dx_min=dx_min, dx_max=dx_max, dy_min=dy_min, dy_max=dy_max, dx_eps=dx_eps, dy_eps=dy_eps, doplot=True)
array([-36.3326479, -0.1278901])

Then we select the best pairs according to this distance, and recalculate it
seg1xy_best, seg2xy_best, seg_disp_xy_best, seg_disp_sign_xy_best = get_best_pairs(seg1xy, seg2xy, seg_disp_sign_xy)
array([-36.3326479, -0.1278901])
We can plot the image again and check that indeed the pairs are well separated
from iop4lib.utils.plotting import imshow_w_sources
imshow_w_sources(redf.mdata, pos1=seg1xy_best, pos2=seg2xy_best)

To avoid mistakes, we provided lower and upper bounds for the distance between pairs. This can be specially important if there are few sources in the image. We could also do the same by ourselves, by looking at the distribution of distances:
import itertools
pairs = list(itertools.combinations(pos_seg, 2))
dx_min = 0
dx_max = 60
dy_min = 0
dy_max = 60
paired = [(p1,p2) for p1,p2 in pairs if ( dx_min < abs( p1[0] - p2[0] ) < dx_max and dy_min < abs( p1[1] - p2[1] ) < dy_max )]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i in [0,1]:
distances = [abs(p1[i]-p2[i]) for p1,p2 in paired]
plt.hist(distances, bins=60, range=(0,60), alpha=0.7)
plt.xlabel('Distance (px)')
plt.ylabel('Number of pairs')

Finally, we need to invoke the local solver to calibrate the image.
from iop4lib.utils.astrometry import solve_astrometry
solution = solve_astrometry(seg1xy_best, size_hint=size_hint, position_hint=position_hint)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3583 - [] - INFO - loaded 240 index files
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3583 - [] - INFO - solve 1: start
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3583 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 3), index="5200/index-5200-14.fits" (1 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3583 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 3), index="5200/index-5201-14.fits" (2 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3583 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 3), index="5200/index-5202-14.fits" (3 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3583 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 3), index="5200/index-5203-14.fits" (4 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3583 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 3), index="5200/index-5204-14.fits" (5 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3583 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[25, 50[ (2 / 3), index="5200/index-5200-14.fits" (1 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3583 - [] - INFO - solve 1: logodds=160.588, matches=70, conflicts=0, distractors=14, ra=330.675, dec=42.2686, scale=0.524084, index="5200/index-5200-14.fits"
Solution(solve_id='1', matches=[Match(logodds=160.58766174316406, center_ra_deg=330.67545493255574, center_dec_deg=42.26859969749991, scale_arcsec_per_pixel=0.5240836722782216, index_path=PosixPath('/mnt/astrometry_cache/5200/index-5200-14.fits'), stars=(Star(ra_deg=330.689884271765, dec_deg=42.3196494803186, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7250235380827, dec_deg=42.22172265671082, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.68921881915674, dec_deg=42.276504127886966, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6686605321736, dec_deg=42.244955317312844, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.606496663498, dec_deg=42.29642927956227, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.62824559333745, dec_deg=42.28602926215711, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6803806918542, dec_deg=42.27777212498205, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.66214717435116, dec_deg=42.31664362093201, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.668073572888, dec_deg=42.316474287620046, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63916131581885, dec_deg=42.24035505186057, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6754327942969, dec_deg=42.21822059373048, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.65423699698255, dec_deg=42.2271577292143, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.62742302432804, dec_deg=42.31657787928523, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.74252280208543, dec_deg=42.305447819823215, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.5991795813756, dec_deg=42.28808295893054, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.72365667038076, dec_deg=42.29682475851014, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6652497702822, dec_deg=42.227384400395465, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6120815972558, dec_deg=42.29708764300834, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6921626029343, dec_deg=42.309079199780356, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.64603270424135, dec_deg=42.313439968191226, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6775600706942, dec_deg=42.21222599485241, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6312907472159, dec_deg=42.27082138820124, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.73072341459044, dec_deg=42.230007482225105, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7386034904528, dec_deg=42.2950819139837, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6359268542213, dec_deg=42.27984343890986, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6619423260062, dec_deg=42.24417207647909, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6037081020162, dec_deg=42.27226594872766, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.67444555564566, dec_deg=42.21723403323365, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6724467550032, dec_deg=42.31685033592088, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6503069580795, dec_deg=42.28163176890514, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63197049203325, dec_deg=42.211112334865646, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6155332086872, dec_deg=42.246940493628095, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.71458310461696, dec_deg=42.25858707453221, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7387326142312, dec_deg=42.226806068016636, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.74129924189464, dec_deg=42.28111027710141, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.72791207724276, dec_deg=42.23117127346185, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.65100319670586, dec_deg=42.3087516501433, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.70126242336914, dec_deg=42.312856191395724, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.61572174801864, dec_deg=42.300805296476895, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.68279436072703, dec_deg=42.25795333781425, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6922200979271, dec_deg=42.22810816105225, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7178450712782, dec_deg=42.278323519120285, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7527689297072, dec_deg=42.24973411878969, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.74806130640457, dec_deg=42.266961613056495, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7017402283431, dec_deg=42.247357107459706, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63009759101675, dec_deg=42.261163326726255, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6626570982849, dec_deg=42.31590787406957, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6911891847441, dec_deg=42.22778913892858, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.66123248778666, dec_deg=42.255288757286735, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7162914106881, dec_deg=42.29003046947319, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7504997672297, dec_deg=42.240428390242094, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.604672301296, dec_deg=42.21859847011704, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7498637867279, dec_deg=42.28051695514972, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.71430832270755, dec_deg=42.231749645835826, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6896440316567, dec_deg=42.26675055503721, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.69839011155733, dec_deg=42.233231183945605, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.69230234161955, dec_deg=42.31364995597706, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.65352966410796, dec_deg=42.30382865344687, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6203455506848, dec_deg=42.27947190278116, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63271309759074, dec_deg=42.221508687618226, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7279542229943, dec_deg=42.26749903183207, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6610720894503, dec_deg=42.28549608518103, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.75031858887354, dec_deg=42.22447686647007, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6214356288067, dec_deg=42.22166382324433, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.71251399798524, dec_deg=42.24296825730243, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.67146687312385, dec_deg=42.25858000894552, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.68715859371997, dec_deg=42.22927098043517, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.62497084640074, dec_deg=42.30148809133536, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6379144975921, dec_deg=42.23085018197204, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6000598354248, dec_deg=42.28111813857364, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63779624936694, dec_deg=42.2683164896908, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6956197954143, dec_deg=42.26449713830803, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6687874155316, dec_deg=42.296568331754905, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7435608079381, dec_deg=42.30719109560928, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7437571325056, dec_deg=42.246033893194166, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.750224102727, dec_deg=42.28095636554002, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6877983773921, dec_deg=42.2455798049503, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.69814907831307, dec_deg=42.21059668481071, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63296860705526, dec_deg=42.20781412028666, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63451311645355, dec_deg=42.251433573347576, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.602982083104, dec_deg=42.253868015717075, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63946346033435, dec_deg=42.28459552979875, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7270703392626, dec_deg=42.28809688032638, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6315676630352, dec_deg=42.31652054483156, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.65949552053, dec_deg=42.28831792797967, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6979625076869, dec_deg=42.31133478915652, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7183754234475, dec_deg=42.22426159098834, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.68914321047885, dec_deg=42.238512322362915, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.718978380086, dec_deg=42.218431057161126, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6072142255936, dec_deg=42.29492068220128, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.64958516083357, dec_deg=42.24314816918099, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6194939327094, dec_deg=42.27653138861859, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6354925008595, dec_deg=42.26213049391419, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6546085584999, dec_deg=42.30462078903871, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6395134548358, dec_deg=42.27428230972779, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7066908506129, dec_deg=42.25041445019963, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.72020664021653, dec_deg=42.31989124275012, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6941742605178, dec_deg=42.307609370648855, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7235707472814, dec_deg=42.256392562999395, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6951164979502, dec_deg=42.246608653434905, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.69294766722993, dec_deg=42.22849553693228, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.59866319121795, dec_deg=42.2588853079003, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.64790624735826, dec_deg=42.21852811122868, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63555748468946, dec_deg=42.23690247822715, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.64298653047155, dec_deg=42.29498870969941, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.65091761221714, dec_deg=42.253832762527445, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6083325601781, dec_deg=42.219466164132726, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.69246722434815, dec_deg=42.30032181091403, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.7047567858923, dec_deg=42.26530788748162, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.73407391006526, dec_deg=42.26570053927472, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.66692426152565, dec_deg=42.28604080283418, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.63227937805783, dec_deg=42.2699770726146, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.66263616367706, dec_deg=42.255171424318846, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6930368863675, dec_deg=42.28229574770448, metadata={})), quad_stars=(Star(ra_deg=330.6312907472159, dec_deg=42.27082138820124, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.6930368863675, dec_deg=42.28229574770448, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.66123248778666, dec_deg=42.255288757286735, metadata={}), Star(ra_deg=330.66692426152565, dec_deg=42.28604080283418, metadata={})), wcs_fields={'WCSAXES': (2, 'Number of coordinate axes'), 'EQUINOX': (2000.0, 'Equatorial coordinates definition (yr)'), 'LONPOLE': (180.0, 'Native longitude of celestial pole (deg)'), 'LATPOLE': (0.0, 'Native latitude of celestial pole (deg)'), 'CRVAL1': (330.66371747201305, 'RA of reference point'), 'CRVAL2': (42.273373277394306, 'DEC of reference point'), 'CRPIX1': (443.6286307242899, 'X reference pixel'), 'CRPIX2': (338.72823383463896, 'Y reference pixel'), 'CUNIT1': ('deg', 'X pixel scale units'), 'CUNIT2': ('deg', 'Y pixel scale units'), 'CD1_1': (-6.99512038152606e-06, 'Transformation matrix'), 'CD1_2': (0.00014541064154927877, 'Transformation matrix'), 'CD2_1': (0.00014541064154927877, 'Transformation matrix'), 'CD2_2': (6.995120381526028e-06, 'Transformation matrix'), 'CTYPE1': ('RA---TAN-SIP', 'TAN (gnomonic) projection + SIP distortions'), 'CTYPE2': ('DEC--TAN-SIP', 'TAN (gnomonic) projection + SIP distortions')})])
We can see that the solver was successful, and that the result has a logodds much higher than the default minimum of 21, meaning that the calibration was easy and trustable.
The WCS (for one set of pairs) can be obtained with
from astropy.wcs import WCS
wcs1 = WCS(solution.best_match().wcs_fields)
We can plot the image with the sources and the WCS overlayed, and the catalog sources overplotted
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': wcs1})
imshow_w_sources(redf.mdata, ax=ax)
from iop4lib.db import AstroSource
from photutils.aperture import CircularAperture
for src in AstroSource.get_sources_in_field(wcs1, width=redf.mdata.shape[1], height=redf.mdata.shape[0]):
ax.plot(*src.coord.to_pixel(wcs1), 'rx')
ax.annotate(, src.coord.to_pixel(wcs1), xytext=(20,0), textcoords='offset points', color='red', weight='bold')
ax.coords.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid')
ax.coords['ra'].set_axislabel('Right Ascension')

We can see that the sources are well aligned with the catalog sources. Since we
already know the separation between the pairs, we can directly build the other
wcs by displacing the first one. However this will be done automatically when
we call the higher level methods in the ReducedFit
class. In fact, the
method will do all the above and save
both WCS in the FITS header of the ReducedFit object:
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: 27 different combinations of parameters to try.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: attempt 1 / 27, ({'keep_n_seg': 300, 'border_margin_px': 5, 'output_logodds_threshold': 14, 'n_rms_seg': 1.5, 'bkg_filter_size': 11, 'bkg_box_size': 16, 'seg_fwhm': 1.0, 'seg_kernel_size': None, 'npixels': 32, 'allsky': False, 'd_eps': 1.0, 'dx_eps': 1.0, 'dy_eps': 1.0, 'dx_min': 29.00547116, 'dx_max': 42.44437116, 'dy_min': -4.8838792, 'dy_max': 5.278269900000001, 'd_min': 30.670903331906715, 'd_max': 40.78002746382967, 'bins': 400, 'hist_range': (0, 400), 'position_hint': PositionHint(ra_deg=330.9182, dec_deg=42.38482, radius_deg=0.4166666666666667)}) ...
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: len(pos_seg)=177
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: Removing segments within 5 px from border.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: seg pairs -> 91 (51.4%), seg_disp_sign=[-34.36064558 -2.022605 ]
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: seg pairs best -> 87 (49.2%), seg_disp_sign_best=[-34.84091685 -2.24566059]
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: seg pairs xy -> 74, disp_sign_xy=[-36.34083554 -0.18442011]
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: seg pairs xy best -> 74 (41.8%), seg_disp_sign_xy_best=[-36.34083554 -0.18442011]
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: trying to solve astrometry with Seg Best XY Pairs (n=74) (output_logodds_threshold=14).
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3609 - [] - INFO - loaded 240 index files
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3609 - [] - INFO - solve 1: start
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3609 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 2), index="5200/index-5200-14.fits" (1 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3609 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 2), index="5200/index-5201-14.fits" (2 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3609 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 2), index="5200/index-5202-14.fits" (3 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3609 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 2), index="5200/index-5203-14.fits" (4 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3609 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[0, 25[ (1 / 2), index="5200/index-5204-14.fits" (5 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3609 - [] - INFO - solve 1: slice=[25, 50[ (2 / 2), index="5200/index-5200-14.fits" (1 / 5)
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3609 - [] - INFO - solve 1: logodds=291.185, matches=64, conflicts=0, distractors=5, ra=330.676, dec=42.2691, scale=0.526041, index="5200/index-5200-14.fits"
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: Seg Best XY Pairs (n=74) worked.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: bm.index_path=PosixPath('/mnt/astrometry_cache/5200/index-5200-14.fits')
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: bm.center_ra_deg=330.6759838172315
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: bm.center_dec_deg=42.26907380202365
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: bm.scale_arcsec_per_pixel=0.5260410872648312
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: bm.logodds=291.1852722167969
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: WCS built with attempt 1 / 27 ({'keep_n_seg': 300, 'border_margin_px': 5, 'output_logodds_threshold': 14, 'n_rms_seg': 1.5, 'bkg_filter_size': 11, 'bkg_box_size': 16, 'seg_fwhm': 1.0, 'seg_kernel_size': None, 'npixels': 32, 'allsky': False, 'd_eps': 1.0, 'dx_eps': 1.0, 'dy_eps': 1.0, 'dx_min': 29.00547116, 'dx_max': 42.44437116, 'dy_min': -4.8838792, 'dy_max': 5.278269900000001, 'd_min': 30.670903331906715, 'd_max': 40.78002746382967, 'bins': 400, 'hist_range': (0, 400), 'position_hint': PositionHint(ra_deg=330.9182, dec_deg=42.38482, radius_deg=0.4166666666666667)}).
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: building summary images.
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: plotting astrometry summary image of background substraction results
2024-12-18 20:37 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: plotting astrometry summary image of segmentation results
2024-12-18 20:38 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: plotting astrometry summary image of astrometry results
2024-12-18 20:38 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: found 5 catalog sources in field: [AstroSource.objects.get(name='2200+420'), AstroSource.objects.get(name='BL Lacertae C'), AstroSource.objects.get(name='BL Lacertae H'), AstroSource.objects.get(name='BL Lacertae test 2'), AstroSource.objects.get(name='BL Lacertae test 4')]
2024-12-18 20:38 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2024-12-18 20:38 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - "POST /simbad/sim-script HTTP/11" 200 None
2024-12-18 20:38 - pid 3520 - [] - DEBUG - <ReducedFit 149 | CAHA-T220/2022-09-18/caf-20220918-23:01:33-sci-agui.fits>: saving WCSs to FITS header.
WCS Keywords
Number of WCS axes: 2
CRVAL : 330.71400656577 42.244431367274
CRPIX : 236.6813171671 588.25901065941
PC1_1 PC1_2 : -4.7575342185789e-06 0.00014604505454994
PC2_1 PC2_2 : 0.00014604505454994 4.757534218579e-06
CDELT : 1.0 1.0
NAXIS : 800 800
WCS Keywords
Number of WCS axes: 2
CRVAL : 330.71400656577 42.244431367274
CRPIX : 200.34048162402 588.07459055219
PC1_1 PC1_2 : -4.7575342185789e-06 0.00014604505454994
PC2_1 PC2_2 : 0.00014604505454994 4.757534218579e-06
CDELT : 1.0 1.0
NAXIS : 800 800
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': wcs1})
imshow_w_sources(redf.mdata, ax=ax)
from iop4lib.db import AstroSource
from photutils.aperture import CircularAperture
for src in AstroSource.get_sources_in_field(wcs1, width=redf.mdata.shape[1], height=redf.mdata.shape[0]):
CircularAperture([*src.coord.to_pixel(redf.wcs1)], r=20).plot(ax=ax, color='r')
ax.annotate(, src.coord.to_pixel(redf.wcs1), xytext=(20,0), textcoords='offset points', color='red', weight='bold', verticalalignment='center')
ax.plot(*src.coord.to_pixel(redf.wcs2), 'rx')
ax.coords.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid')
ax.coords['ra'].set_axislabel('Right Ascension')

If the calibration was successful, summary images containing more or less the same information as the ones we plotted will be created and should be displayed in the admin page for the reduced fit: